Benefits of Wearing a Zircon Stone

Benefits of Wearing a Zircon Stone

Zircon gemstone is a semi-precious stone which brings good luck, popularity, happiness, success, fame and prosperity. 


Zircon was named by Persians which means Gold stone. It bestows spiritual growth in the soul of the being.


Benefits of Zircon are several and it is used widely for its properties and irrespective of horoscope.


There's also some mythological value related to Zircon as well as medical value.


It is believed that the wearer of this beautiful Zircon stone is blessed with beauty, energy, virtue, ambition, and determination. 


Astrological Benefits of Zircon


Astrologically, it represents the planet of Luxury and Beauty - Venus is a good stone for getting financial luck and wealth.


Zircon is the birth gemstone for the people, born in the month of December. It clears aura and brings peace and purity to the heart of the wearer.


In astrology Zircon is used to protect our body and mind from fearful thoughts and evil/negative energy emitted by celestial bodies in our solar system.


Improve Your Relations with Zircon 


While Zircon has many astrological benefits that help us in building and making our lives blissful, it also puts an end to the worries or dilemmas in our relationships.


Zircon Stone is not only beneficial for the married couple but also brings in happiness, harmony and love in an interpersonal relationship.


Planet Venus is the ruler of love, care, understanding, peace, and loyalty, that are much needed to build a healthy relationship.

Medical Benefits of Zircon


Zircon is found helpful in managing Diabetes and ailments of the reproductive system.


This stone helps in curing problems like upper respiratory tract problems, bronchial infections, asthma, cold and cough.


Zircon balances the chakras and boosts the immune system granting good health. It also has a direct impact on increasing one's appetite.


Mystical Power of Zircon


Zircon has the capacity to improve focus and gives its wearer a great feeling of confidence and strength.


It eliminates negativity from inside, the feeling of deception and helps the person to uncover lies and look for the facts for a better life.


It works very well on the sacral chakra and root chakra to provide the wearer with wisdom, honor and wealth.


Zircon gemstones hold an important place in astrology while, on the other hand, many people wear them as a fashion accessory.


Besides these Zircon gemstones are hugely used by jewelry designers. For the beauty and luster of this beautiful stone many jewelleries are created keeping Zircon in mind. It has a wide usage in necklace designing.

Wearing Scene

Casual Chic with Zircon Jewelry: Picture a scene where you're adorned with a stunning blue zircon stone solitaire drop necklace from Planderful's Gala Fireworks collection. Whether you're attending a casual meet-up with friends or an elegant dinner, the blue zircon necklace adds a touch of sophistication and color to your outfit. The vibrant blue hue of the zircon captures the light beautifully, making it a conversation starter. Pair it with matching earrings for a cohesive look or mix and match with other zircon pieces to express your unique style. The necklace not only enhances your appearance but also brings the astrological and health benefits of zircon into your life, making you feel confident and protected.

Zircon Stone and Zodiac Signs: Tailored Benefits for Every Constellation

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

For the fiery and ambitious Aries, zircon enhances determination and aids in achieving goals. Its energy boosts confidence and supports Aries' natural leadership qualities.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus values stability and comfort. Zircon brings them peace and financial prosperity, aligning with their desire for a luxurious and harmonious life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

For the communicative and adaptable Gemini, zircon enhances social skills and facilitates clearer communication, fostering better relationships and understanding.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancerians, known for their emotional depth, benefit from zircon's calming effects, which bring emotional balance and help soothe their mood fluctuations.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The vibrant zircon matches Leo's regal nature, boosting their charisma and aiding in gaining recognition and popularity, which Leos deeply cherish.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

For meticulous Virgo, zircon enhances focus and efficiency, aiding in the pursuit of perfection and helping to achieve detailed-oriented tasks with precision.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra seeks harmony in all things. Zircon can enhance Libra's natural charm and support their quest for balance, beauty, and healthy relationships.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios, known for their intensity, can find zircon helpful in harnessing their inner strength and resilience, aiding in personal transformation and healing.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

For the adventurous Sagittarius, zircon can be a stone of protection during travels and explorations, also aiding in the pursuit of truth and wisdom.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns benefit from zircon's properties of grounding and stability, supporting their ambitions and helping to achieve long-term goals with patience and discipline.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

For the innovative Aquarius, zircon stimulates creativity and helps in embracing change, supporting their vision for the future and humanitarian efforts.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces can benefit from zircon's spiritual and healing properties, enhancing intuition and offering protection against negative energies.


Feel blue and beautiful in Planderfuls' Blue Zircon(13.1CT) Stone Solitaire Drop Necklace for Women.


This minimal Planderful necklace is studded with blue zircon and is perfect for any occasion. 

Brand - Planderful

Collection Name - Gala Fireworks

Product Type - Necklace 

Main Material - Sterling Silver

Major Gem Type - Zircon (13.1 CT total)

Weight - Approx. 7.6 Gram/each 

Diameter - TBA


Buy a 100% genuine, lab certified Blue Zircon(13.1CT) Stone Solitaire Drop Necklace for Women only from and rest assured of its quality.

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