Benefits of green Zircon

Benefits of green Zircon

The green Zircon is an unusual gemstone in several aspects. For this reason, it is one of the most appreciated stones by collectors. At Planderful we invite you to learn about the properties of green Zircon and why it is so special in jewelry.


Color Symbolism Benefits Chakra Astrological Sign
Blue Calm, Serenity, and Depth Enhances mental clarity, aids in decision making Throat Chakra Sagittarius, Aquarius
Yellow Joy, Optimism, and Energy Boosts self-confidence, attracts wealth Solar Plexus Chakra Gemini, Leo
Red Passion, Courage, and Vitality Increases energy, promotes emotional healing Root Chakra Aries, Scorpio
Pink Love, Compassion, and Harmony Soothes the heart, calms the mind Heart Chakra Taurus, Libra
White Purity, Clarity, and Wisdom Promotes clear thinking, enhances confidence Crown Chakra Gemini, Virgo
Green Growth, Fertility, and Renewal Encourages growth, aids in spiritual development Heart Chakra Taurus, Virgo
Brown Grounding, Stability, and Comfort Offers emotional protection, fosters a sense of belonging Root Chakra Capricorn, Virgo
Orange Enthusiasm, Creativity, and Success Stimulates creativity, encourages positive life choices Sacral Chakra Leo, Virgo


Zircon: the oldest gemstone on Earth

Zircon is often confused with Cubic Zirconia, a handmade synthetic diamond substitute. However, natural Zircon is the oldest mineral on Earth. Based on samples found in Australia, researchers discovered that the material dates back more than 4.4 billion years, even older than the moon itself. This stone generates great interest to geoscientists, even to the point that they created their own discipline better known as "zirconology".

Another strange fact about the stone is that its properties exhibit very wide ranges. For example, zircon has very wide ranges in hardness, refractive index and density (specific gravity) values. The gemological resources of zircon are as follows: hardness from 6.5 to 7.5; density from 3.93 to 4.73 and a refractive index from 1.810 to 2.024.


Zircon crystal structure

The reason for the wide variation is that there are so-called low zircon and high zircon. The latter has values at the upper end of the range. Low zircon, which has a lower hardness, density, and refractive index, is generated as a result of a unique process related to the presence of thorium and uranium. The natural radioactivity of these elements alters the crystalline structure, thus causing changes in color and density. These changes take place over a long period of time through a process known as metamitization.

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Natural green metamorphic Zircon

So-called metamorphic zircon is always brown or green in color. Although visually it looks very similar to conventional zircon, its chemical properties are different. Metamorphic zircon has lost its crystalline structure and has consequently become isotropic glass. Although the metamorphism process reduces the refractive index, hardness, and specific gravity of a mineral, it curiously does not affect brilliance, dispersion, or fire.

Green metamorphosed zircon is quite rare and prized in the art of collecting. Some samples still emit low levels of radiation. Loss of crystalline structure often causes metamictic samples to become darker and cloudy, and some samples can be heated to lighten the color. Scientists have concluded that prolonged heating of this stone is responsible for substantial recrystallization.  substantial recrystallization. Of all the varieties of colored gemstones currently available, zircon is valued for its fire and remarkable brilliance.

Sri Lanka is the best-known deposit site for green metamorphic Zircon, although it can also be found along with other low Zircons in Burma, Cambodia, and Southeast Asia. These places are the most important source of fine Zircon for jewelry today. Here this mineral receives its proper heat treatment, and gems such as Blue Zircon, the most popular variant in jewelry in recent years, are manufactured.



The color of Zircon

The usual colors of zircon are reddish-brown, yellow-brown, gray, and greenish. The colorless, yellow, blue, and red are more valuable and in demand, and Zircons are often subjected to heat treatment to obtain them. The problem is that these colors may not be stable since the ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause their color to vary.

On the other hand, variants such as green are considered very unusual, which gives it a higher value. In addition, it has many spiritual properties that can help you.

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Spiritual benefits of green Zircon

Green is a relaxing color, it induces a state of harmony and serenity.  It is a color that is related to nature, life, fertility, and health.  Green is obtained from the combination of two primary colors, blue and yellow, so we will have a variety of shades within the green depending on the percentage of each one as well as the influence of other colors.  Green represents the positive and brings us confidence.

Green usually has in the human psyche a series of tremendously positive connotations. First of all, green zircon is linked with life, birth, energy and strength. It is a color that is also associated with fertility, spring and growth, which makes zircon a stone associated with youth. In this sense, it is also a symbol of innocence. Another element associated with its connection with growth is economic: it stands as a symbol of wealth.

The color related to nature is also associated with freshness and health. Also, as tradition states, green is the color of optimism, hope, and good luck. It is also associated with naturalness, the pursuit of pleasure, and vigor. Finally, green is one of the colors recognized for its properties of calm, serenity, balance and therefore, spirituality. It is also often linked to optimism and vitality, improving energy and motivation levels and helping to maintain hope.


Psychologically speaking, this color has been associated with characteristics such as affection, as well as with moral exigency, hedonism, and joviality. An association with balance and sociability is usually observed. On the other hand, the color green is used to maintain inner peace and adaptability, as in extreme cases to conformism and indecision. For this reason, the green zircon stone is widely used in meditation, it is a color that brings us relief and helps to balance our emotional stability, and favors the use of reason and logic.

Zircon is a precious stone used to ward off bad energies and prevent calamities. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that this stone helped to fall asleep. Zircon is also considered to reinforce prosperity, wisdom and honor. Wearing jewelry with this stone will help you to progress in your economic life and your mental state. You will feel like a special person, not only because of its benefits but because you have a very special gemstone with centuries of history.

Visit Planderful's website and discover our Zircon jewelry.


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