Benefits of Blue Zircon

Benefits of Blue Zircon

There are relatively few varieties of gemstones with good hardness and brilliance that occur in the color blue. The most brilliant blue gemstone is undoubtedly the zircon, and it has several benefits that you should know about. Stay reading, at Planderful we will tell you all about the benefits of blue zircon.


Color Symbolism Benefits Chakra Astrological Sign
Blue Calm, Serenity, and Depth Enhances mental clarity, aids in decision making Throat Chakra Sagittarius, Aquarius
Yellow Joy, Optimism, and Energy Boosts self-confidence, attracts wealth Solar Plexus Chakra Gemini, Leo
Red Passion, Courage, and Vitality Increases energy, promotes emotional healing Root Chakra Aries, Scorpio
Pink Love, Compassion, and Harmony Soothes the heart, calms the mind Heart Chakra Taurus, Libra
White Purity, Clarity, and Wisdom Promotes clear thinking, enhances confidence Crown Chakra Gemini, Virgo
Green Growth, Fertility, and Renewal Encourages growth, aids in spiritual development Heart Chakra Taurus, Virgo
Brown Grounding, Stability, and Comfort Offers emotional protection, fosters a sense of belonging Root Chakra Capricorn, Virgo
Orange Enthusiasm, Creativity, and Success Stimulates creativity, encourages positive life choices Sacral Chakra Leo, Virgo


What is blue zircon?

Zircon is a natural and rare material that gradually attracted the attention of many collectors. In addition to its characteristics, its diversity of colors depending on the conditions in which it is found is its enigma. The stone dates back to the formation of the Earth, so it represents one of the oldest precious minerals. However, there is still a lack of information, myths, and legends about this wonder.

Blue zircon is one of the most brilliant gemstones. This stone has a higher refractive index than even sapphire, tanzanite, or spinel. However, zircon is not well known to the general public, who tend to confuse it with cubic zirconia, a synthetic diamond simulant. Zircon is found in a variety of colors, including white, blue, yellow, orange, brown, pink, and green.

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Virtues and properties of blue zircon

- In lithotherapy

In lithotherapy, the Zircon stone is known for its many virtues. Indeed, it is a soothing stone that relieves, among other things, pain, cramps, and blisters. Therefore, women suffering from painful periods can use it to find satisfaction.

Apart from this aspect, this stone is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, and the libido plays a great role in preventing viral and microbial infections. People suffering from respiratory allergies, asthma, and lung infections can also use the stone to overcome these ailments.


-On the mental plane

In the realm of spirituality, the Zircon stone calms the spirit and brings a certain serenity. Thus, its user has the moral and psychic strength to master states of sadness and fear. In addition, specialists classify zircon as a stone of harmony, courage, and strength. In fact, it increases self-confidence and aligns the physical and psychic bodies.

In terms of energy, it is a very powerful stone that participates in the regulation of energy flows in the body. Zircon also helps to stimulate and optimize the vibrations of the other stones associated with it.

In addition, the firestone supports the blossoming of its user by resolving his emotional and sentimental problems.


Zircon and karma

On the karmic level, the zircon stone symbolizes harmony and acts on several chakras, namely

the solar plexus chakra ;

the heart chakra ;

the throat chakra.

Astrologically, zircon aligns perfectly with the signs Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

One of the advantages of the zircon stone is that it repels negative energies. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to purify it excessively. The only thing the user has to do is to immerse the stone in distilled water, and that's it. To recharge it, the user must place the stone on a pile of quartz and expose it to the sun.

In summary, zircon is widely used in jewelry today because of several special characteristics, including its fantastic beauty. Its resemblance to the diamond makes it a mine of wealth and covetousness in jewelry. In this sense, white zircons were considered in the Middle Ages as diamonds of inferior quality, called "Matara Diamonds".

You may also be interested in: Zircon vs Diamond: how to differentiate them



Other benefits

Among many other properties, zircon strengthens Venus which controls the relationship in the couple and brings passion, understanding, romance, and satisfaction to the relationship. This stone is highly recommended for people who want peace in their marital or love life. People who wear zircon have an artistic profession such as acting, singing, music, dance, etc.

Medically, this crystal protects from diseases related to hormonal imbalance. It is also believed that this stone benefits the urinary and reproductive systems. It brings a sense of confidence to its wearer. In addition, it helps to improve the social life of its wearer.


Here are more benefits of blue zircon:

  • It increases the physical and mental strength of its wearer and is good for meditation.
  • Helps to make visions and dreams come true.
  • Provides physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
  • Brings abundance and prosperity to the wearer's family.
  • Zircon is a very good stone for women. It helps them to get along better with other women and gain superiority.
  • It provides a clear passage to the blocked energies in the body and brings general harmony.
  • In matters of Health, zircon is a blessing for people who have abdominal problems.
  • Zircon helps to cure dizziness and muscle problems.
  • It can be used in stone necklaces, rings, pendants, and bracelets.
  • This stone helps to improve the wearer's memory.
  • It helps in preventing migraine attacks and old-age tiredness.
  • It helps in healing the lungs, and bronchial and respiratory problems in general.
  • Brings peace and purity to the heart.
  • It is also said to be good for pregnant women and to give them the strength to give birth.
  • Zircon makes the wearer inquisitive and increases their interest in science and knowledge of the truth.
  • This stone is known to be beneficial for those who have allergies or suffer from asthma.
  • It gives a strong sense of confidence and strength to the wearer.
  • This stone is believed to possess magical abilities that help erase negativity and feelings of deception from the mind of the wearer.
  • It has been used as a symbol of purity for many years.


Zircon Stone Symbology

The zircon stone represents the inner fire, which restores and nourishes.

Zircon stone traditions

Alchemy: It is the incombustible stone that feeds on fire.

Bible: It is one of the 12 stones that make up the heavenly Jerusalem.

Egypt: Zircon is the stone of the dead, dedicated to eternity and mummification.

Middle Ages: This stone is the living manifestation of fire. It was regularly called hyacinth.



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