How to Make A Jewel?

How to Make A Jewel?

Making your own jewel is a great way to represent your personality, would it be hard?

  1. Planning and Design

According to the requirement and budget, select the main stone and design: after selecting the main stone, the designer will conceive a sketch, and then draw the sketch with accurate dimensions on the computer to complete the initial design drawings.


  1. Mold Making

2.1 Wax carving: Jewelry craftsmen engrave wax plates by hand with reference to the design drawings, and then pour out the silver plates by the method of lost wax casting. For batch production of wax plates, silver plates were used to press rubber molds. This is the most demanding process in the jewelry making process. The structure of each part must be reasonable, and the position and size of the inlaid gemstones must be accurate.


2.2 Wax injection into the rubber mold: After the rubber mold is open, the wax injection operation is performed. The wax in the wax injection machine should be kept between 70-75 degrees, the wax liquid is injected into the film, and after cooling, the wax mold is taken out, and repeated in sequence to obtain multiple wax molds.


  1. Material and Handling

3.1. Selection of matching stones: According to the silver plate and wax mold, select stones in suitable size, shape and color.

3.2. Complete the wax-up: Have all the wax-ups you need prepared

3.3. Planting a wax tree: Each wax ring is individually hand welded to a wax stick, resulting in a wax tree shaped like a big tree, ready for casting.

3.4. Weighing the wax tree: weigh the rubber chassis before planting the wax tree, and weigh it again after planting the wax tree. The weight of the wax tree can be calculated by subtracting the results of the two weighings. Or the density ratio of silver is converted to obtain the amount of metal to be cast.  

3.5. Pour gypsum: Put the planted wax tree together with the chassis and put it on the stainless-steel cylinder, and slowly inject the gypsum slurry of the corresponding weight along the inner wall of the steel cylinder.

3.6. Bake and take out the plaster: Bake the plaster mold for dewaxing, then take out the baked plaster mold, and prepare the metal solution for casting at the same time.

3.7. Pour liquid gold: pour the melted and prepared gold water from the nozzle.


  1. Produce

4.1. Centrifugal process casting: use a vacuum induction centrifugal casting machine.

4.2 Frying, washing and cleaning of gypsum mold: The gypsum mold after casting is in a high temperature state. After being taken out from the casting machine, it is left for 10-30 minutes, and then placed in cold water for frying and washing. After the gypsum burst due to shrinkage, take out the golden tree, brush off large pieces of gypsum with a steel brush, soak it in 30% hydrofluoric acid for 10 minutes, clip it out, rinse, and remove the remaining gypsum until the surface of the golden tree is clean.

4.3 Cut the casting: Cut the jewelry on the gold tree along the bottom of the nozzle to dry.

4.4 Drum polishing process: Put stainless steel abrasive and active organic synthesis solution into the drum, and make the surface smooth and bright with rotating friction.  

4.5 Polishing process: Use a polishing machine to polish the jewelry until the surface is smooth and bright.

4.6 Inlaid with stones: Manual inlay.


Till now, your Jewel is ready.


Yes, it’s a bit complicated and that is the reason why Planderful needs to take at least one week to satisfy its TAILOR-MADE ORDER. If you have any specific enquiries, just email it to and discuss more.

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