Best Wedding Bands For Him

Best Wedding Bands For Him

While a ton of thoughts and preparations are going on in selecting a wedding band for your fiancé, shopping for the groom's wedding band is an important thing and often overlooked in the wedding planning process.


Choosing a wedding band for him should take careful thought after all it is something you are going to wear every day.


Many people think that men’s wedding bands only come in gold and silver, but this is not the case. 


There are a number of unique men’s wedding bands out there and you may find that he is overwhelmed with options and does not know where to start. 


Don't worry, we are here to guide you through the wonderful new world of men’s wedding bands. We’ll help you find the right band for him, step by step. 


Choosing a Wedding Band Metal


The most popular choice for men’s wedding bands is gold being classic, they wear well and hold value, and they can be passed down to the next generation.


These days you’ll be presented with a lot of options, from precious metals like gold and platinum wedding bands to trending alternative metals like titanium and tungsten etc.


Material is usually one of the first choices you have to make and some of the metals match the groom’s skin tone and dressing style better than others.

Zircon Silver Couple Ring for Women is increasingly popular due to their striking, masculine look.

Consider The Lifestyle 


Some may think that shopping for a men’s wedding band is a straightforward process, the versatile styles of men’s wedding bands are ever growing and can easily cause you to be overwhelmed during the buying process. 


Choosing the right metal for the wedding band has to do with their lifestyle: what they do for a living and what their hobbies are.


For instance, if they are an electrician, you might want to avoid metals that have conductive properties and rather opt for one made of ceramic or silicon. 

Frosted Silver Couple Ring for Women is a simple yet beautiful wedding band that has a design that will truly never go out of style. 

Choose A Style 


To make things pretty simple, we have grouped different styles into four categories.  


Classic - featuring an all-metal band that is either smoother or has a bit of texture.

Curved - with curved edges allows increased comfort and ease of taking your band on and off.  

Diamond - featuring diamond accents are a great way to add an extra pop to your ring.

Gemstone - featuring gemstone accents such as vibrant blue sapphires.

Simple Silver Couple Ring for Women is for those looking to make more of a statement but still want to keep it rather simple.

Decide on Finish


Men’s wedding bands have a variety of options to fit your style unlike women’s wedding rings that tend to use the same finish.


High Polish - gives the ring a reflective, shiny surface that creates a striking and attractive look.

Matte - gives off a flat look that isn’t shiny or reflective.

Satin - gives the band a smooth and shiny look.

Brush - this finish is not shiny, but it does have a textured look.

Sand Blasting - creates a “rough” look to the ring with absolutely no shine or reflection on it at all.


Browse through Planderful recommendations and pick out the perfect symbol for you and your spouse-to-be’s love.

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