Tips and Secrets on How to Keep Your Zircon Jewelry Sparkling

Tips and Secrets on How to Keep Your Zircon Jewelry Sparkling

The zircon gemstone is a beautiful, rare stone that holds a lot of meaning for many people. This precious gemstone is often used in jewelry and other pieces of jewelry, but it's important to be careful when handling them so that you don't damage the stone.


Zircon is a gemstone that contains many distinctive physical and chemical properties. It is a very durable material, and it is a type of quartz. Zircon is found in nature in igneous rocks, and it is also formed in a laboratory. Zircon is best known for the fact that it is often found in significant quantities in treasure hunts.


Emerald Colour Enamel with Zircon Sliver Earrings for Womenv


These sparkling stones are strong and durable, making them the perfect choice for jewelry. These stones are resistant to scratches and can last a very long time. They also have a whole host of colors that you can choose from. When you are wearing your beautiful zircon stone jewelry, you don't want anything to disturb it from its new position of pride. With the proper care, your zircon stone jewelry will last a lifetime. It's important to understand how to care for your zircon stone jewelry to get the most out of your investment.


Curious to know how to care for you zircon stone jewelry? If you're new to having a zircon stone jewelry piece, then you may be wondering how to care for and clean your jewelry.


When it comes to taking care of your zircon jewelry, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here are some tips from Planderful on how to properly care for your zircon jewelry:


  1. Zircon is a very hard and durable gemstone, but it is still susceptible to scratching and chipping if it is not cared for properly. Always store your zircon jewelry in a soft, lined jewelry box or pouch. Avoid storing your zircon jewelry in a humid environment, as this can cause the stone to lose its luster. Make sure that the stones in your pendant or earrings are securely set in their settings. If they fall out, they'll roll around in a drawer until they break, so don't leave them loose!
  2. Make sure your hands are soft and moisturized before touching anything shiny (like your diamond). If they're wrinkled or dry, then chances are they'll break the sparkle right off your ring!


  1. If your zircon jewelry does become scratched or chipped, you can try to buff out the blemish with a soft, dry cloth. You can also contact a professional jeweler to have your zircon jewelry professionally cleaned and repaired.


  1. Zircon stones are hard, cold, and beautiful. But they're also delicate. And when you have a zircon promise ring or engagement ring, that means you need to be extra careful. Always wear it on the same finger as your wedding band (unless you want to break up the pattern of your rings). This way, if one of your hands gets dirty or scratched, you can still use the other hand to clean off the ring without losing precious stones!


  1. Zircon stones are precious, and they're pretty. But they're also fragile, and they're not meant to be worn all day long.


  1. To protect your zircon jewelry from tarnishing, avoid expose it to household cleaners, cosmetics, or perfumes. Store your zircon jewelry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. If you must clean your zircon jewelry, use only a mild soap and water solution.


  1. If you're planning to wear your zircon ring every day (which is totally fine!), make sure it's set in a comfortable setting. A little bit of silicone or heat-reactive glue can go a long way toward making sure that your diamond doesn't get scuffed up while wearing it all day long.


  1. It is important to have your zircon jewelry regularly checked by a professional jeweler. A professional jeweler can check for loose stones, cracks, or chips in the zircon jewelry, and can also inspect the setting and mount to ensure that they are secure.


  1. Keep it away from water! It's not worth risking an expensive repair just so you can take pictures with your fiancé—or even just have him hold it! Avoid wet environments (like the bathroom), because they can damage the metal of your zircon jewelry.


  1. When cleaning your zircon jewelry at home, use only a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals such as ammonia, bleach, or detergent. or abrasives, as these can damage the surface of the gemstone. Gently scrub the zircon jewelry with a soft toothbrush, being careful not to damage the stone. Rinse the zircon jewelry in cool water, and dry it thoroughly with a soft, lint-free cloth.


Indeed, the zircon gemstone is a beautiful, rare stone that holds a lot of meaning for many people. This precious gemstone is often used in jewelry and other pieces of jewelry, but it's important to be careful when handling them so that you don't damage the stone.


Check out these captivating zircon jewelry from Planderful!

Green Zircon Stone Solitaire Water Droplet Necklace for Women

Yellow Zircon(3.0CT) Stone Solitaire Drop Necklace for Women


Blue Zircon(13.1CT) Stone Solitaire Drop Necklace for Women


Pink Zircon (2.0CT) Stone Solitaire Bracelet for Women

Green Zircon (2.0CT) Stone Solitaire Bracelet for Women

Yellow Zircon (2.0CT) Stone Solitaire Bracelet for Women


Green Zircon(3.2CT) Stone Flower Studs for Women


Red Zircon(3.2CT) Stone Solitaire Drop Earrings for Women

Blue Zircon(4.0CT) Stone Solitaire Drop Earrings for Women


Many people love zircon because it often looks like a diamond. Zircon stones are a beautiful gemstone that can be found in a variety of colors. However, like other gemstones, they are susceptible to scratching and chipping. Depending on the shape of the stone, you may need to take different steps to maintain its beauty.


When buying online, make sure that you're purchasing from someone who has been selling zircons for a while and is experienced in doing so. If they're not sure what will work best for your design, they could mess up your project! Choose Planderful for your zircon jewelry needs!


We hope this blog was able to answer any questions that you may have had around jewelry care. If you would like to learn more, please visit our website at Planderful. Zircon is truly an interesting type of stone with a variety of different colors and patterns.  Enjoy our fabulous array of zircon stone jewelry here: Gala Fireworks. 

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