How Art Has the Power to Change the World and How Planderful Contributes to It

How Art Has the Power to Change the World and How Planderful Contributes to It

One day, a group of friends engaged in conversation about their different shades of skin color, their common interest in art and the difficulties they had with finding artwork that spoke to them. This led to an idea - what if the artist created something with no race or gender attached? What could work as international art?

The result was a series of pieces by many artists called "We Are One." The project's main objective is to be an outlet for people to express deep emotion through artistic expression. The collection of works was designed to inspire people globally and has been shown in over 25 countries worldwide.

Graphical Presentation

From the graph above, we can see how the artists use art in different countries by looking at the percentages of people who choose their artwork from those chosen from other countries. You can see a pattern where most artwork is chosen for each country by people living there. This is common to most large countries worldwide and explains why many artists choose to create artwork.

The analysis of the graph is as follows;

  1. United States- It holds the highest percentage of artists from this country, with the majority choosing artwork from that country. It should be noted that 43% of the artists listed there are not American citizens.
  2. Botswana- This country has the second-highest percentage of artwork being chosen as international by its citizens. Artists choose artwork from Botswana slightly more than in Canada because, in Botswana, there is less popular culture for art; most of the population live in villages far away from each other and do not have access to modern technology such as computers or the internet. Its percentage is the second highest in the graph with a percentage of 47%.
  3. Canada- This country is the most artistic country from the data above; it has the third highest percentage of artwork being chosen as international by its citizens. This is because in Canada there are more artists from other countries living in Canada. For example, Adrienne Celeste is an artist who came originally from England but now lives in Canada, and she creates art for "We Are One".


  1. M-M- This gender had the highest number of people choosing artwork from their own countries, with only one choosing an international piece. The second highest percentage was F-F; only one person also chose an international piece for this gender.
  2. F-F- This gender had the second highest percentage of people choosing artwork from their countries. This can be shown by the graph, which shows that one person chose an international piece
  3. M-F- This gender has a very low percentage of people choosing artwork. This is because more women than men live in this country, and they generally choose artwork from their own countries instead of international pieces.
  4. F-M- This gender has a very high percentage of people choosing artwork from their own countries.

Nation's Wealth

  1. Canada- This country has the wealthiest artists in the whole collection; they have an average number of people per household, and there are more middle-class and poor citizens than rich ones; however, this country is by far the wealthiest when it comes to artists and artwork chosen by their citizens. They also lead in the percentage of artists that choose to use international artwork for themselves.
  2. United States- This country is second in terms of its artwork being chosen by its citizens. The reason is that many people live on the east coast, which makes them more likely than any other country to have more artists living near each other.
  3. Botswana- This country has a low level of wealth; they only have an average number of people per household, and it has very few citizens that choose to use international artwork for themselves. This can be seen in the graph; many people are sharing one artwork when they could have chosen more if they had more money, but it can be seen that this group of artists only chose one international artwork for their self's as well.
  4. Brazil- This country is third in terms of its artwork being chosen by its citizens; It has a large number of artists living in the cities, which makes it more likely to choose artwork from other countries.

How Planderful Jewelry Shop has used ART to change the world

Planderful Jewelry Shop has always had a passion for providing people with the best products and customer service to enable them to express their emotions through art. We have a unique vision and mission that will help our customers create a better world.

Our necklaces, rings, bracelets and earrings have been carefully designed to inspire you to be creative and help you express yourself.

Wearing jewelry is one of the easiest ways to show others your attitude or personality; it has become important to show others who we are and what we like.

Our style reflects our personality; it tells the world about who we are and our emotions. What better way for us to communicate these feelings than through art? Creating a piece of art can show someone how we feel inside, and it gives us a chance to tell others our story without them knowing what exactly has happened in our lives in just one piece that only takes seconds to make.

ART can change the world for the better because it gives people without a voice the ability to tell their stories in a way that everyone can understand.

Planderful Jewelry Shop will continue to provide people with creative ways to express themselves and allow them to take part in designing their jewelry and finally believe ART can change the world.

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