Everything you need to know about the benefits of blue zircon

Everything you need to know about the benefits of blue zircon

There are relatively few varieties of gemstones with good hardness and brilliance that occur in the blue color. Among them are sapphire, blue topaz, or tanzanite. However, the most brilliant blue gemstone is undoubtedly zircon: the oldest material on earth and believed to be the stone of healing. At Planderful we will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of blue zircon. Read on!

Source: https://www.marketsquarejewelers.com/blogs/msj-handbook/the-ancient-beauty-of-blue-zircon


Definition of Blue Zircon

Zircon derives from the Arabic word "Zarkun" (red) or from the Persian term "zar" (gold) and "gun" (color). These chromatic indications can actually be misleading as zircon actually has multiple and well-differentiated colors.

Zircon is a natural wonder made of zirconium silicate. Cubic zirconia, with which it is mistakenly confused, is a laboratory product. In the 1970s, a Soviet scientist at the Moscow Institute of Physics succeeded in reproducing zirconia in the laboratory. Starting in the 1980s, zirconite was marketed as a cheap substitute for diamonds. But this synthetic stone has nothing to do with zircon which is a natural gemstone, as old as the diamond itself and with excellent refractoriness.

Zircon is mined in Cambodia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania.


Blue Zircon Characteristics

Zircon has a strong birefringence, that is to say, the light that meets the gemstone is refracted and broken into two rays. Even for an untrained eye, the phenomenon of duplication of the facets is easily recognizable, logically it will always depend on the perspective from which the stone is observed. In wider gems, the dual refraction is way more pronounced.

In this way, the gemstone gains in wonderful mosaic motifs full of light and greater optical depth. Other characteristics of Zircon are its adamantine splendor, fire, and brilliance.

Zircon is found in different colors: blue, champagne, coffee, cognac, gold, green, honey, orange, red, white (transparent), and yellow. The so-called "spice colors'' are Cinnamon Zircon and Saffron Zircon, while Kaduna Zircon from Nigeria has a deep honey-yellow hue. A particular variety is the Ratanak Kiri Zircon, which is a blue zircon from the Ratanak Kiri region of Cambodia, famous for exporting the best blue zircon specimens in the world.


History of Zircon

In ancient times, Zircon was known as a gemstone and has been discovered in the oldest archaeological areas in the world. A Hindu poem around the myth of Kalpa, talks of a tree that carried Zircon leaves. Other sources cite a Hebrew legend that speaks of an angel named Zircon who would have had to watch over Adam and Eve in Eden.

With the name "Hyacinth" Zircon is cited in several passages of the Bible, first as a "gem of fire" (Ezekiel 28, 13-16). It is found again as one of the twelve gems that decorate the wall of the city of Jerusalem (Revelation 21, 19-20).


The blue gems

Sapphire is the most famous and is found in the full range of blues, from pale blue to blue-black. Blue topaz, which is produced by radiating colorless or pale topaz, is the most popular of all the blue gemstones, as it is widely available at affordable prices and is found in light to medium-dark shades.

Other options in blue include tanzanite (violet-blue) and aquamarine (light blue). Tourmaline and spinel can sometimes be found in blue, but only rarely. The brightest blue gemstone is zircon, which has a higher refractive index than sapphire, tanzanite, or spinel. However, zircon is not well known to the general public, who tend to confuse it with cubic zirconia, a synthetic diamond simulant.

Blue zircon, the most popular color, is produced by heat-treating brown zircon. But not all brown zircon turns blue when heated, only some zircon has the right physical structure for this to happen. This is the reason why most blue zircon comes from specific places in Cambodia or Burma.

Blue zircon has some special properties that make it very famous among gemstone specialists. Not only does it have exceptional brilliance, but it also has a very strong dispersion or fire, the tendency to split white light into spectral colors. Zircon also has a very pronounced birefringence or double refraction, with a wide variation between the two refractive indices.

Blue zircon can be found in a range of blue tones from very pale to saturated medium blue. Due to pleochroism, blue zircon can appear slightly greenish when viewed from one direction. In addition to its physical properties, we invite you to learn about the benefits of blue zircon.

Source: https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/142356038209284041/


December: the month of blue zircon

It is believed that blue-colored gems are the ideal gems to wear or give as gifts in December, especially for those born in this month. Of course, they are also gems with ample benefits to enjoy throughout the year. Blue gems help fight the winter blues and pair well with the whites characteristic of this month.

Although blue is the main color of December, you can also choose from a variety of beautiful colors: green, violet, and white.


 Benefits of blue zircon

According to this color therapy, blue has calming and relaxing properties and helps us to fall asleep. In addition, these benefits also apply as a "natural ibuprofen", if you paint the walls of your life in navy blue, and also help you fight pain and relieve blood pressure.

The blue light of the sea can reduce anxiety and depression rates. This color was not only a favorite of many painters and artists, but our brain experiences a great balance when in contact with it. With this in mind, here are the benefits of blue zircon:

- Relaxes.

- It transmits tranquility, confidence, and security, ideal for shy people.

- Improves creativity and productivity.

- It can bring wisdom into our lives.

- Helps us through difficult situations in life.

- Brings positive changes, related to transformation and revolution.

- It is an antidepressant.

- Helps to fight pain and improve blood circulation.

- Helps to improve brain functions and your thoughts.

- The ability of this crystal to protect you from harm is so powerful that the ancients used it to protect themselves from human and natural threats.

- Generates more empathy.

- It increases the intellectual level.

Source: https://unniyarcha.com/products/silver-blue-zircon-stone-bracelet


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