Planderful Facts: Did You Know That Jewelry is One of the Oldest Forms of Art?

Planderful Facts: Did You Know That Jewelry is One of the Oldest Forms of Art?

Jewelry is one of the oldest art forms and has been around for centuries. It is believed that the first pieces of jewellery were made from shells, bones and teeth. Jewellery was used to show status and wealth and was often given as gifts. Today, jewellery is still a popular art form worn by people of all ages. Jewellery can be made from various materials, including gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, pearls, and more. There are endless possibilities when it comes to designing and creating jewellery. Whether you're looking for a unique piece to add to your collection or a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special, jewellery is a great option.

Discovery of Jewelry Arts

The first examples of jewellery were probably made more than 100,000 years ago. But the first objective evidence of jewellery arts dates back around 40,000 years. That's when archaeologists found the first deliberate burials with personal ornaments.

The first jewellery was probably made from natural materials like bone, wood, or shells. But by around 5,000 years ago, people were using metals like copper, gold, and silver to make jewellery.

The oldest examples of metal jewellery come from the Middle East. But by 3,000 years ago, metalworking was also common in India, China, and Europe.

Jewellery has always been popular but reached new heights in the late 1800s. That's when a new type of jewellery called Art Nouveau became popular. Art Nouveau jewellery was often very detailed and included naturalistic designs.

Evolving of Jewelry Art

As discussed earlier, the history of jewellery is as old as the history of humankind. The first evidence of jewellery was found in a cave in South Africa that is over 100,000 years old. Jewellery has been used for various reasons throughout history, including as a form of currency, status symbol, and form of self-expression.

The evolution of jewellery can be traced back to the earliest human civilizations. These early pieces were often used as talismans or amulets to protect the wearer from harm. Over time, jewellery became more elaborate and was often made from precious metals and gems.

As civilization progressed, so did the art of jewellery making. The ancient Egyptians created the first gold jewellery. The Egyptians were also responsible for developing the art of enamelling, a process of applying colour to metal.

The ancient Greeks were master jewellers, and their work was highly respected. They created beautiful pieces using gold, silver, and precious stones. The Greeks also developed the art of engraving, a process of carving designs into the metal.

The Romans were also skilled jewellers, and their work was highly sought after. They used a technique called granulation, which is a process of attaching small beads of gold to metal. The Romans also developed the art of setting stones and attaching gemstones to metal.

The Middle Ages saw a decline in the art of jewellery making. This was due to several factors, including the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Christian Church. During this time, the wealthy mainly wore jewellery which was often very simple in design.

The Renaissance was a time of great change, which is reflected in this period's jewellery. Jewellery became more elaborate and was often made from gold and silver. Gemstones were also used more frequently.

The Victorian era was a time of great prosperity, which is reflected in this period's jewellery. Jewellery became even more elaborate and was often made from gold, silver, and precious stones. Using synthetic materials such as glass and plastics also became more common.

The 20th century saw several changes in the world of jewellery. The art deco movement was a major influence on jewellery design. This style is characterized by its use of geometric shapes and bright colours.

The modernist movement was another major influence on jewellery design. This style is characterized by its use of simple, clean lines.

Today, jewellery is more popular than ever before. It is worn by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Jewellery is no longer just for the wealthy; it is now affordable for everyone.

The future of jewellery looks very bright. With technological advances, we can see even more beautiful and innovative pieces being created. We can only imagine what the future holds for the world of jewellery.

Jewelry Art Today           

There's no denying that we live in a material world. Whether it's the latest fashion trends, the newest tech gadgets, or our daily essentials, it's easy to get caught up in consumerism. But amidst all of the "stuff" in our lives, one material always stands out: jewellery.

Sure, jewellery serves a functional purpose – it helps us keep our pants up or our glasses on – but it also has a much deeper meaning. Jewellery is a form of self-expression, a way to show the world who we are and what we care about them. It's a reflection of our style and an extension of our personality.

In a world where materialism is rampant, jewellery is a refreshing reminder that there's more to life than stuff. And there's no better place to appreciate jewellery than at a jewellery art show.

Jewellery art shows are a celebration of all things jewellery. From traditional pieces to modern designs, there's something for everyone at a jewellery art show. These shows are a great opportunity to see the work of talented jewellery artists worldwide and find that perfect piece to add to your collection.

Planderful Facts

Now that you know this fact, you can appreciate jewellery even more.

It is safe to say that jewellery is a timeless form of art!

Whether you are wearing a pair of earrings, a necklace, or a ring, you are wearing a piece of jewellery that is a true work of art. So, the next time you put on a piece of jewellery, take a moment to appreciate the artistry that went into creating it!

Get yourself one from our Planderful Collection and be fashionable!

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